Banifits of Green Tea

Banifits of Green Tea

Nowadays green tea, which is a herbal tea, has become very popular and should be increased because its use can help you fight many problems of your body such as losing weight, lowering cholesterol, heart attack To increase immunity, it is useful to burn calories.

This is made by the leaves of camber's synthesis. It contains antioxidant properties which help in reducing the problem. But there are some people who are not yet aware of Green Tee or they do not have to make it. Still many people resort to tea to get tired and refreshed. But the milk we drink we drink weakens our body's digestive power and increase the problem of constipation, gas and stomach. But drinking green tea gives us the advantage of getting rid of many types of problems.
Banifits of Green Tea

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

  1. By drinking Green Tea, we can lose weight of our body easily. This helps to lose weight by burning the extra calories of our body. 
  2. Green tea is quite beneficial for reducing the risk of blood pressure or high BP.
  3. We can also use green tea to reduce the loss of hair. 
  4. Green tea is quite beneficial to increase the immune system. It is beneficial to increase energy and stamina in the body.
  5. It stimulates our brain and also works to increase our memory power.
  6. To remove the problem of mouth stench and tooth problems, take green tea without honey or sugar.
  7. Helps in controlling diabetes.
  8. It protects against various types of infections and eliminates bacteria.
  9. Protects from having neurological disease.
Do not use Green Tea in much quantity as any thing should be taken in one right way. High intake of green tea can lead to insomnia, urination, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach problems. Therefore it is important that you take the green tea in the right way and the right amount. So let's go to the right way of making green tea.

The right way and method of making green tea

Green tea is available in two ways in the market, in the leaves of the first green tea bag and the second green tea. Green tea is made in two ways, from the first open husbands and using the second tea bag.

How to make tea from green tea leaves


  • Green tea leaves 
  • Hot Water
  •  Honey
  •  Lemon juice


  • Take one cup of water and heat it in a steel vessel. But keep in mind that the taste of green tea can be bitter after heating the water more. So heat it up to 85 degrees Celsius.
  •  When the water is hot, turn off the flame. Allow some time to cool slightly so that its temperature is correct.
  • Now put green tea powder in half a tablespoon of this water. Leave it for a while, that means 1 minute.
  • Now mix it and the color of water will turn brown when mixing. Now filter tea by sieve.
  • Then drink it like this or mix it well with honey or sugar to enhance its taste.
  • You can also add some cardamom powder.
  • To increase its taste you can also make lemon juice in it.

How to make tea with green tea bag

  • Boil one cup of water in a vessel.
  • Then take a cup and keep a tea bag in it.
  • Then pour boiled water in it and shake slightly.
  • After that cover it for two minutes. Do not cover too long because it can be tested.
  • Then take out the tea garden and drink it well.
  • Do not use milk even by mistake when making green tea.
  • Sugar is not good for health and if possible, only use honey and lemon in it. If you like Mint's test, then you can also add mint leaves in it.
  • You can also use ginger, basil in it. And if you have a quick drink then you can also use green tea bag.
  • If the amount of caffeine is high, then do not use it excessively. Green tea should not be taken during pregnancy. Also, if you are breastfeeding do not take it. Do not eat it with any medicines.


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