weight loss tips

weight loss tips

tips for weight loss in 7 days

Today, due to the changing life style of today, there is an increased problem of today, increased weight, bad weight is bad for health as well as for health. So we are sharing with you How to Loss Weight in 7 days | How to lose weight

Tips for weight loss

To lose weight first, it is important to know how much your weight is - to know how to lose weight - Weight loss Calculator
Some people start dieting to reduce obesity. Diet too high can be very dangerous for your health. You take the food to work only for balance (Balance Diet). It is most important that your metabolism in the morning at Breakfast Heavy Le is also good. Some of your good habits can change your life.

Weight loss Diet

Friends, we are sharing the weight loss diet plan with which you can reduce your weight in a few days by following.


1. 1 egg, 1 cup milk, 2 fruits, 1-2 brown bread Slice
 2. 1 Plate Oats 2 Fruit, 1 Cup Milk or 1 Cup Green Tea
 3. Sprouts (sprouted pulses) milk, fruits, 2 brown bread Slice


 Dal 2 Roti Vegetable Curd Rice Less No


1. Poha or Utpam, Or 2. 1-2 roti curd potato or lush potatoes, gourd (sweet potatoes) easily

Diet Plan For Weight Loss

Raise in the morning, take half a blue and a spoonful of honey in light lukewarm water. If the weight is too much, take warm water instead of lukewarm water. Then the seeds of linseed can be taken, seeds of the nerd seeds or melons of melon.

  1. Breakfast is between 8-9 o'clock 
  2.  Somewhat lightweight like butter milk, fruits, green tea sure to take 
  3.  Lunch between 1-2 o'clock May eat some light during 
  4.  4-5 o'clock 5.Dinner

If you are hungry again in the middle, then drink plenty of water at that time. Drink 7-8 glasses of water in the day. Do not take tea more than a glass of tea in the day. Tips for Weight Loss in 7 Days. Some people do not eat dinner only to be thin. It is very harmful to health. So eat it at night so that easily go to five. And eat 3 hours before sleeping. The 8-8:30 pm time is best for dinner. And eat only at a certain time. Surely, after a meal, after a while, it is definitely a stroll.

Tips for Weight Loss 

  • The first thing to keep in mind is that do not drink water immediately after eating food, but drink water at intervals of one to one-and-a-half hours. - This food gets digested easily. Otherwise it would be like fat extra fat is Restrain food whenever it is done that means eat only a little less than hunger. 
  • Include oily substances and sweet instead of greens, vegetables, salads and fruits in the food. 
  • Minimize the use of rice, potatoes and ghee in the food.
  • At least one day in the week, just drink the rules of drinking fluid or eat milk and fruits.
  • Add daily exercise and yoga to your daily routine.
  • Stroll for at least 30 minutes or exercise for two or three times throughout the day. 
  • Start wheat chapatti and eat chapatti of flour from wheat, barley etc. Also include juice and sprouts in breakfast.
  • Drink green tea in place of tea.
  • Use honey in place of sugar.
  • Take 7-8 hours proper sleep.
  • Eat food at just the right time. For example- If you say it at lunch 2, then try to do it at 2 o'clock.
  •  Whenever you are feeling stress, do not eat food at that time.
  • Cook the food slowly and after gasting it will satisfy you in the work. 
  • Do not eat food while watching T.V. Take into account the time just eating food.
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